Wednesday, May 29, 2013

October 8th, 2004 on iMPACT!

By Garrett Kidney
October 8th, 2004
Orlando, FL

As we're in the run up of Slammiversary there'll be a new edition of this column every day until Sunday to celebrate. 
Quick Results
1. Jeff Hardy defeated Abyss
2. AJ Styles defeated Roderick Strong
3. Monty Brown defeated Raven

- Really good opening match. It has a fifteen minute time limit because of the importance of the match but the still went under ten so it didn't really make much difference. These two always had good chemistry together and would go on to have better matches with each other. There was a silly spot where Hardy asked the ref (none other than Andrew Thomas) to lie on the ground so he could do Poetry in Motion properly. 
- Storm and Daniels came out for a match but were jumped by Team Canada. Skipper and Harris tried to make the save but got beaten down aswell (people were really bad at saving people during this period in TNA). 3LK eventually ran off Team Canada. This set up a Team Canada/Daniels and Storm tag title match for next week.

- A good, solid match to make Styles look good. The gave Strong enough offence to deliver a match that was a step above the usual squash and it was a good showcase for Styles. I'm surprised they didn't give Strong a shot after this because he looked good.

- Piper cut a promo saying there'd be a Piper's Pit at Victory Road. It wasn't terrible in the way some rambling modern Roddy Piper promos can be but he went way too long, saying far too little.

- Good main event (and they did go longer than ten minutes (only just though)) though Monty kind of lost his way in the middle of the match where he just kind of repeated the same thing for a minute. It was fine in the end though and Monty won with a Pounce to go on to face Hardy next week.

Closing Thoughts
The best show in a while, story progression, longer matches and not a squash match in sight. Thumbs up.