A few months back there was a rumor about TNA meeting with Activision over a potential video game deal. I don't know if those rumors are true or if anything will come of those discussions however if it is the case, I cannot wait for that.
While many other writers will be discussing the current or past TNA product, I thought I would do something different. If a new IMPACT Wrestling game based on today's product was released this year, this is how I would like the game to be.
Quality over Quantity
The premiere wrestling video game company up until this year has been THQ. Following WWE 13, THQ published fourteen titles in the WWE Smackdown vs Raw Series. Along with that they have released a variety of other wrestling titles such as WWE All Stars, Legends of Wrestlemania, the Wrestlemania/Day of Reckoning Series and countless others. The facts are that the team (now employed by 2K) has been years of experience, resources and other elements that they have built upon.
The WWE 13 game had a roster of over 100 wrestlers. They have over 100 different match types. They have hundreds upon hundreds (if not thousands of moves). They have in-depth creation suites and a variety of other game modes. The depth in their game cannot be matches by any wrestling game in their first year. The quantity of content can't and shouldn't even be replicated, so don't even try.
When building a new Intellectual Property from the ground up, you have to strip away all of the excess. If I was in charge of this game (for the purposes of this column) I would do just that. There are many elements that would knowingly be left out because of the idea that quality beats quantity.
Building a lean, mean video game is what I have in mind here. It may not be a popular opinion, but I feel having so much content will take time and money away from the core gameplay. For the purposes of this column, this game focuses on building a core product. Just keep that idea in mind when reading through this article.
Whether it is decided that create a fresh gameplay system from the ground up or to replicate another game, I would keep ease, fluidity and fun constantly in mind. The game needs to be easy to control. The game needs to be fast-paced (much more so than the WWE Series). The game needs to be fun. The gameplay I had in mind is a nice hybrid of arcade and simulation-style gameplay. Finally, the game needs to be authentic to the IMPACT Wrestling product.
A good number of different games could be used as inspiration. My favorite games are WCW/nWo Revenge, Day of Reckoning and WWE All Stars. For this game, I would choose the WWE All Stars gameplay without all the bells and whistles.
The WWE All Stars game was designed as a mix of a wrestling and a fighting game. For this game, I would focus it more on the wrestling than the fighting. I would eliminate the 50-foot high slams, the juggling, super throws and super combos that would never be seen in real life. After all of that is eliminated, I would add elements of pro wrestling. A submission system, full length entrances, traditional tag team matches and tag team maneuvers. I would also add new positions (apron, opponent down on the ropes etc.). Some might call these design choices lazy but I feel the WWE All Stars game had the best gameplay of any wrestling game of the past few decades. Plus, it would be ironic for the first IMPACT Wrestling video game to have roots in Midway's TNA IMPACT! game.
Let's be honest here, the roster is one of the biggest selling points of the IMPACT Wrestling product and should be for the next video game. TNA features names like Kurt Angle, Sting, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson and Bully Ray. Add to that guys like AJ Styles, Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, James Storm, Abyss (or Joseph Park) and Bad Influence who have never been featured in a wrestling game where their characters were authentic. The TNA roster matches that of the WWE roster and would be a huge selling point for this game.
TNA IMPACT had about 25 wrestlers. WWE All Stars had 30 wrestlers. I am thinking 25-30 wrestlers on the on-disc roster is a good expectation. Start with the feature guys (there are about 20 of them) and then work your way down to the Knockouts, X Division and midcarders. Other names can be added through DLC. TNA's roster is nowhere as big as WWE's which means that 90% of the roster could probably make it into the game.
A big problem though is making each wrestler authentic and making each wrestler unique. This was a huge problem in Midway's game as every wrestler played the same. The best way to make each wrestler unique is to give them their signature moves. This doesn't mean just the finishers but most of the moves unique to them.
For example, James Storm would need his Last Call (Finisher), Closing Time, Hanging DDT, Eye of the Storm, 8 Second Ride, Backstabber, Hanging Noose and the many other signature moves he uses to stand out. These moves are unique to Storm and separate him from others. Wrestlers can be divided by style (acrobat, brawler, grappler etc.) however they also need to play as a unique character as well.
This is going to be the biggest task of the game; to make each wrestler stand out. Many of them will share moves, however they also need their signature moves, taunts and entrances as well.
Match Types
Wrestling match types are a big feature in wrestling games. They can be really fun if the time is spent making sure they are unique and fun. Unfortunately, I don't feel THQ has done that over their franchise. Even though they have over 100 match types, many aren't unique nor are they fun. Matches like Hell in a Cell, Elimination Chamber and other matches don't reach their full potential. A different approach should be made with IMPACT Wrestling.
The game should feature the main match types: Single, Tag Team, 3-Way, 4-Way, Handicap and the Elimination version of most of those matches. Pinfalls, Submissions, DQ, Countouts and other rules can be tweaked in the match options menu to make each match have their own rules.
IMPACT Wrestling would focus on three unique match types to make it stand out:
Street Fight- This is the hardcore match. Weapons and debris are spread all around ringside and are legal to use. Weapons would include chairs, bats, kendo sticks, trash can lids, ring bells, the ball-peen hammer and more.
Steel Cage- Won by pinfall, submission or escape, the Steel Cage is a unique match type. The cage can be used as a weapon to ram your opponents into or to springboard off of.
Ultimate X- This is one of the only matches really unique to TNA and I felt that Midway hit it square on the nose. Wrestlers climb the turnbuckles and then shimmy across the ropes to grab either a red X or a championship in the middle. While this is happening, their opponents can pull them down (and hit moves), fight them on the cables, race for the belt or springboard off the turnbuckle or ring ropes to knock them down.
Tables Matches, Ladder Matches, Full Metal Mayhem, the Gauntlet Battle Royal and other match types would be excluded from the first game. The reason is that most need special gameplay mechanics designed for them. I feel like dedicating the time to make the aforementioned three matches above fun and special will be a good foundation for the game. In sequels, these matches can be added as well as others.
The most controversial creative decision that I would make would be this, NO CREATE-A-WRESTLER. This decision personally wouldn't bother me as I don't use it as much as other people. I could see an outcry if this decision was made though.
The two reasons I wouldn't have create a wrestler are these: #1) Don't do anything if you can't do it right and #2) CAW isn't a core feature.
For most first-time wrestling games, the Create-A-Wrestler is mediocre. There are usually a lack of options and a lack of customization. When a CAW is included, I want to be able to edit everything from the wrestler's looks, to individual moves, to entrances. If I can't customize each then I am not getting the best of the mode. I don't want mediocrity in the game.
Having CAW would also take time and resources away from the rest of the game. The focus should be on core features, which CAW isn't. Many games sacrifice quality of other features just to include a mediocre CAW. Imagine what could have been added to TNA IMPACT had Midway used the time and money for CAW on other aspects of the game?
CAW should be added when it can be a main selling point. If time and money can go into CAW without taking away from the rest of the game, and only when CAW can reach its full potential, should it be added.
Story Mode
Aside from exhibition mode, the story mode is one of the main features of the game. Every wrestling game needs some sort of story mode or season mode. Because I am a fan of storylines, I would enjoy a story mode more than a Universe/Season mode that we get in other games.
Because this game would have no CAW, the player would be able to choose from one of 10+ TNA "Heroes." These heroes may include Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Sting, Matt Morgan, AJ Styles, James Storm, Bobby Roode etc. The interesting thing though is that depending on who you choose, you will get unique dialogue and even some branching storylines which are character specific. This story mode is similar to that seen in the Day of Reckoning Series. The difference is that in this game, you are able to lose matches and continue on in the story. There will be enough storyline branches and enough endings that a player could play through the story two or three times and get absolutely unique experiences.
The story mode kicks off with the familiar "Previously on IMPACT Wrestling" video. Your chosen hero is shown being stretchered out on a gurney from months prior. You were on the receiving end of a brutal beatdown. The story mode begins with your hero returning from injury.
Hulk Hogan approaches you backstage and informs you that Bully Ray is holding TNA hostage as World Heavyweight Champion. TNA needs heroes but Hulk doesn't know if you are ready to be that hero. You must first prove yourself and then Hulk will give you that opportunity.
The story mode runs from January up until the end of October with Bound For Glory. In the story mode there will be references to Gutcheck and you will experience both the Open Fight Night and BFG Series concepts. You will battle on IMPACT, Lockdown, Slammiversary and finally Bound For Glory.
While there is an overarching storyline, your character will go through smaller storylines and plot twists along the way. You will deal with characters from all across the TNA Roster and will win a variety of belts. It isn't a guarantee that you will be the one to take down Bully Ray. That depends on you!
Other Details
-Unfortunately because TNA re-uses arenas for different shows, all the arenas seen in the game would be similar. I would change up the ring ropes, graphics and aprons though to make each one slightly different.
-The game would feature title belts in Exhibition mode. Five different titles are available: World Title, TV Title, Knockouts Title, World Tag Team Title and X Division Title. The Knockouts Tag Team Title would not be included as it hasn't been featured on the TNA product in over a year.
-Many wrestlers would have alternate attires but not everyone will. Alternate attires would be available through DLC.
-There might be a tournament mode. Singles and Tag Team Tournaments would be available.
-The game would NOT include blood. Its an extra that isn't necessary. Also, Joseph Park and Abyss could be two different characters. If blood is included, then Joseph Park would need to include an Abyss-mode.
-The walkway to the ring would be included and would become a hotspot. Wrestlers could run down the walkway and do springboard moves (ala Hernandez) into the ring. It would create a new environmental position.
-Wrestlers can have between one to four signature moves (finisher versions). AJ Styles for example would have the Styles Clash, the Spiral Tap, the Phenomenal 450 Splash and the Calfkiller. On the other hand, James Storm may only have the Last Call Superkick.
-All match types could be played online and in every format (single, tag, 3-Way etc).
-Players can play against other players online or against CPU AI.